We Take You There! Political Analysis:
July 26th 2018:
A Loud Message from Thursdays Special Town Hall Meeting! 'We The People have a voice and we will raise that voice in anger; so you'd better listen!'
(Canton): The stage was set! It was a town hall meeting in one of the more depressed areas of Canton. This was 'ground zero' for Ken Harbaugh; Democratic Candidate for Congress in Ohio's 7th district; (which also includes Massillon.)
The Southeast Community Center was packed. Men and women of all races, genders and political affiliations were there and ready to engage. Most were angry; fed up; concerned and disappointed with the current political climate in our nation.
This was NOT an easy night for Ken Harbaugh; but perhaps one thing that was accomplished on this night was the opportunity to truly listen to the voice of the people. The soul stirring dialogue was a glimpse of the democratic process at work.
Below is our broadcast of that town hall meeting. It's direct; its angry and it represents a grassroots platform that our nation was built on. 'We The People have a voice; and we will raise that voice in anger so whether you're in Washington or Columbus; you'd better listen!
(WARNING! Some of the language in the earlier portion of Thursdays Town Hall Meeting was graphic. Please be advised.)
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